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British Gas Email Address

emailing british gas

British Gas’s email address can be used for making complaints to the company. This service is available from 9am to 5pm daily, however, most emails are replied to within 2 working days.

British Gas Email Address for Complaints:

For emailing British Gas for a complaint use this email address:

If you prefer to submit your complaint to a financial ombudsman, use this email address:

If you want to speak to a customer service agent at British Gas, you can try the British Gas Live Chat. Or if you prefer to write a letter to the company, you can send it to:

British Gas New Heating Centre Customer Relations P.O. Box 177 Stockport SK1 2FB


  1. Stephen Donovan

    British Gas are persecuting a 96 year old man with dementia, by demanding the immediate payment of fictitious sums running into thousands of pounds .. whereas in fact they owe their customer a comparable amount, having repeatedly billed him based on wildly over-estimated meter readings.
    Even worse is how they refuse to engage, preferring to rely instead on threats to bring in a debt collection agency.

    All-in-all an absolute scandal.

  2. alex

    You make it impossible to speak to a person without an account number, you telephone system gives the user the runaround. Why is this??? I have never encountered such an appalling service. Obviously you do not want people to call you. You so-called live chat is also useless. You also make it difficult to make a complaint. Why is this??!

  3. GILBERT Farrell

    I have been trying to contact brittish gas since the 20th march so far I have been given the runaround. Can’t get to speak to any one so can someone explain why there still working from home

  4. Andrew Robert Hindley

    Call agents, useless,1 agent said, they don’t have the skills to help me, I just want my card & code to top up, my electric has gone off, can’t top it up, I had to move out my flat, cause no electricity on

  5. Mrs p mindenhall

    Hello, I have been trying to contact you now for 2 days have spoken to your chat line which is useless operators hav’ nt a clue about things and most in helpful.
    I want to know why my DD has not been taken yet this month?? I don’t want it mounting up, can you email me ASAP with the ANWSER.

  6. Mr Michael Giscombe

    British Gas, your website email address is rubbish. I wanted to tell BG that my pervious gas metre reading was incorrect. My carer gave you that reading. I am a disabled person on strong medication throughout the day. Today (17/10/2022) I had someone and myself check the metre and it is: 17549, sent to BG earlier today. BG can come and check it they want. I’m on BG priority list. I am also a pensioner. The above gas reading is absolutely correct. Hear from you soon. Regards.

  7. Ursula willshire

    Why does British Gas reduce my payments by half in the Sumer then double it for the winter I thought direct debit ment you paid approx the same over the 12 month period to enable you to budget your yearly out goings on a monthly basis

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