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EDF Energy Email Address

EDF Energy email addresses can be used for making complaints or contacting their customer service for general queries.

emailing EDF Energy uk


EDF Energy Email Addresses:

To log your complaint to EDF Energy, use this email:

To contact their customer service for general queries, send an email to:

Most of the emails are replied to within 3 working days, however, depending on your query, it might take up to 5 working days.

If you need urgent help with your policy or your claims, you can use EDF Energy Live Chat instead.

LiveChat Directory is not affiliated to, linked with, or otherwise endorsed by EDF Energy. All product and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.


  1. Mr Simon Paul Cranford

    Dear EDF ENERGY Please can you help me to top up my Smart Electric and Gas for me with a Loan of £60 on my Electric and gas smart as lam getting bit low please from Mr Simon Paul Cranford My Full Address is 1 Vinall Gardens Old Guildford Road Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex R******X My Full Email is sim*************m My phone is 0********15

  2. Bongani Cele

    Hi. EDF Programs it’s has a symbol of improvements. Asians Countries and Africans are starving. all the best to employers of EDF.

  3. Kathleen Folkard

    I have just had my latest bill come dated 16th may come 2day 25th may saying that as i haven’t paid my bill you would come to my house on or after 26th May receive payment in full or switch me to a pay as you go meter. As i only got this bill today I have made a appointment with the citizens advice bureau for the 2nd June to see if I can get a grant to pay this off in full. I would like a pay as you go meter put in but after the 13th June as that’s when I get my next pension payment.

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