Zalando Live chat is open for the following hours:
08:00 AM to 08:00 PM – Monday to Saturday
09:00 AM to 05:00 PM — Sundays
To call Zalando, dial their contact number: 02030598139
To start a chat, open this link:
How to Contact Zalando Live Chat Service
For contacting Zalando Live Call Service you have to visit its contact page where you will find their phone number. For initiating a live call session, simply pick up your phone and dial the given number and you will be instantly connected with a representative of the team. The rep will resolve your issue instantly.
The lines are open seven days a week. And if you want to contact the team via email then you can do it but you have to wait for 1-2 days for their response via this means.
For accessing the Zalando Live chat service click on the following link.
I have bought a belt from Zolando and I have received and email from Everi(Courier company) saying parcel is damage now. Please contact your sender to resend to me.