Quote Me Happy Live Chat Is Open For The Following Hours:
24 hours a day – 7 days a week
The customers can ask any question or query via the Quote Me Happy live chat customer support team. The experienced operators will answer questions about your new or existing home or car insurance cover, payments queries, new or existing claims, canceling your policy, and renewals along with any other general inquiry that you may have. They will also handle complaints and get feedback to boost customer satisfaction.
The web chat option can be found on the bottom right-hand side of the page. Once you click on the blue button with the chat symbol, you will be connected to an operator.
To access the Quote Me Happy Live chat you can click on the image below
Quote Me Happy Customer Service
You can contact the Quote Me Happy Customer service team via live chat, phone, and email. The phone and live chat can be used for faster turnaround time and have less than 3 minutes of waiting time. Email requests can take between 2 to 3 business days to be handled.
Quote Me Happy Phone Number: 0345 030 7961
i cant get through to talk to anyone
I want to change my car details
I have accepted your quote via go compare website. I paid a deposit but due to a technical error at my bank the deposit has not gone through. Am I still covered for 10th January. you do not have a number contact and you haven’t responded to my e-mail? Can you please e-mail, or telephone me with the issue.
I have the same issue today… no email to contact them. Let me know if you got this sorted
I am trying to renew my insurance policy for my car and the site will not allow me to change my password as I have forgotten it… the site is going to cancel my policy within the week and I want to renew it BUT I CANNOT because it keeps on sending me emails telling me that the information entered is incorrect (which is it not). I want to have a renew password email but that has not come (only the one that tells me I am incorrect). I am in danger of not having an insurance policy here and am panicking… I need my car insured for commuting to work and need it NOW. How do I renew it? If you do not tell me within two days then I will have to let the policy lapse and go somewhere else to find an urgent replacement. Quote me happy is rubbish if you cannot get someone to help you, no customer services or any helpline. Absolutely awful. PLease help me to renew my car policy!
trying take ot a new policy and the ref number I have for the policy is not connecting through their website
I would like to cancel my account 60xxxx52
Please can someone call me asap my insurance cancelled and I wanted it to just renew automatically. It’s not sure right now and I need to drive my car so please can someone call me or email me back ASAP
hi i want to cancel my policy
With the onset of winter and the now present “Storm barra” , I would like to ask if it might be possible for my car insurance policy to be upgraded for free in order for me to use my car for voluntary/charity work during times when it would be more appropriate (and safer) to use a car than a motorbike.
Previously I have been informed by my area manager that “if you telephone your insurance company, most companies will allow you to upgrade your car insurance for free so that you can also use your car, which is obviously safer during the winter”. Last year I did so and my insurance company were happy to accommodate this request. Therefore I would respectfully ask if Quote me happy might also be kind enough to grant this request.
I am just making sure that I will be insured for my new car when i pick it up on the 18th at 11am as my husband seems to think i wont be covered until midnight. I am presuming from that i will be covered from 00.01as it moves from the 17th to the 18th.
I have just updated my policy to include business insurance. I have checked that this has been achieved, correctly. The certificate was renewed by the date at the top but did not include business us in agreed use.
I do NOT wish to renew my policy on a car I no longer own
I am unable to access My Account
My e mail address has changed since originally using Quote Me Happy
I need assistance
this site is no use at all how do you get to chat to someone re quote and possible change of details re buying new car !!! Got my quote on confused dot com and happy with it but need to know what would happen re change of car .
Want to buy my contents/building insurance but when I press buy now won’t let me go further?
I do not want to renew my car policy. Been locked out of my account wont let me update my password its impossible. No email add or phone number help!
I am trying to renew my policy. I am unable to do so because I cannot access my account. The password I have does not work and I have not received an email to reset it. Tried numerous times. No live chat. No telephone number. How do I renew. Any ideas!!!