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O2 Email Address

O2’s email can be used for making complaints and speaking to their customer service team. You can use it to contact the company for any issues related to your account, bills, payments, and promotions.

o2 email address contact

O2 Email Addresses:

The email address for O2 in case you want to make a complaint to their customer support:

Alternatively, you can write and post your letter to their office address:

O2 Correspondence Team
PO BOX 694
SO23 5AP

Need faster replies from O2? Get in touch with their live chat service team.

LiveChat Directory is not affiliated to, linked with, or otherwise endorsed by O2. All product and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.


  1. alıson

    can someone please help ı use an o2 uk phone for work but ı lıve ın turkey ıts been ok up tıll now but yesterday ı got kıcked out of my whatsapp and they cant send the code as my phone no longer on the network ıt says ı have credit on ıt and the sım ıs stıll actıve but cant recıeve text or calls ı need thıs code to actıvate my whatsapp for workagaın plese help

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