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National Trust Live Chat

The Free National Trust Live Chat Is Open For The Following Hours:

from 8am to 7:45pm on weekdays,
from 9am to 4:45pm on weekends

National Trust Live Chat


The National Trust Live Chat service is open to any customers that wish to discuss feedback, concerns, and questions on any of their sites throughout the UK. They are also able to support in signing you up for the annual membership program, and booking tickets and payments for any of their attractions, In fact, they are able to help you with anything that you would normally ask on the phone or via email.  The key feature of this method of communication is that is completely free.

The web chat service can be found via the need help button which is located on the right-hand side of the webpage. Once you click the link you will be transferred to the next available agent.

To access the National Trust Live Chat click on the image below

National Trust Live Chat

National Trust Customer Service

You can contact the National Trust customer service team via live chat, phone, and email. The phone and live chat can be used for faster turnaround time and have less than 3 minutes of waiting time. Email requests can take between 2 to 3 business days to be handled.

1 Comment

  1. Lynne Foxley

    I am so shocked and disappointed to learn that the National Trust has left Christmas off your calendar yet other religious celebrations are mentioned.
    I cannot understand the decision that you came to, especially as the National Trust is in a mainly Christian country and was established by one Christian lady alongside other people. As a result, in my disgust. I will no longer visit National Trust properties

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