Cumbria University Live Chat Is Open For The Following Hours:
Monday – Friday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
The Cumbria University live chat has been developed to make it quick and easy to get in touch with the team. It’s vitally important nowadays for students and members of the public to have instant communication with educational institutions. Especially when it comes to clearing. Therefore, this feature has been introduced and developed with ease of use in mind. The web chat service is run by professional and qualified support staff who can connect with you instantly. The dedicated staff are on hand to answer any questions, queries or concerns you would normally ask on the telephone. The typical queries the team receive include, general information, admission questions, and course selection. They are also able to support on course fees and accommodation guidance.
The Live Chat option is available on the extreme bottom right-hand side of the page. Click on the “Chat with us” button to start a conversation with one of the advisers of the support team.
To access the Cumbria University web chat you can click on the image below