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Surfshark Live Chat

Surfshark Live Chat is Open for the Following Hours:

24 hours a day, seven days a week

Surfshark Live Chat


Surfshark is an amazing VPN that is available for UK citizens at a reasonable price. The VPN is economical, speedy, and more secure than other VPNs in the country. You can also get a free trial before the actual purchase.

To Access the Surfshark Live Chat Click on the image below.

Surfshark live chat

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LiveChat Directory is not affiliated to, linked with, or otherwise endorsed by Surfshark. All product and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

We are an independent business directory of live chat data that enables UK consumers to easily and quickly find customer service information and discuss their issues and in some cases, share with us.


  1. Martijn Van Tuel

    Hi, just got Surfshark yesterday. Cannot get Netflix to work. Every time error messages. No matter what server I choose. Tried a few things; static up, cleared my cache of tivimate, different servers but no avail. Do I need to cancel already?
    Thanks for helping. I’m on Android tv. Nvidia Shield tv pro

  2. Roland

    I have installed Surfshark and connected to a server in France (Paris). But the side which I tried to view did recognize that I’am not located in France and gave the message that the site is not available in my country.

    How is tht possible and can I do anything about it.

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