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Smyths Toys Live Chat | Customer Service

Smyths Toys Live Chat is open for the following hours:

Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 5.30pm

The happy and friendly team of web chat representatives at Smyths Toys are on hand to answer any questions, queries, or concerns that you have about a store or the service you have received. As well as store-based issues, the Smyths live chat team is also able to answer questions on the website, customer orders, product inquiries, and customer concerns. The chat icon is found at the bottom of the page, but will only be available during opening hours.

To access the Smyths Toys Live Chat click on the image below

How To Contact Smyths Customer Service?

You can contact the Smyths Toys Customer service team via live chat, phone, and email. The phone and live chat can be used for faster turnaround time and have less than 3 minutes of waiting time. Email requests can take between 24 to 72 hours business hours to be handled.

Smyths Email Address:

Why should you use LiveChatDirectory?

We understand how hard it can be at times to get a refund or cancel an order or get compensation for a lost package. We’ve had over 1.7 million users over the past year, trying to connect to more than 800 brands in the UK, we can help you get the help you need as soon as possible.

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