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Shelter England Live Chat | Customer Service

Shelter England Live Chat is open for the following hours:

9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday.

The Shelter free webchat service offers all people living in England the opportunity to speak to trained housing advisers on your concerns. Most chats with them usually take around 10 minutes, but they can be shorter or longer depending on your own personal circumstances or issues. Before talking to them, please have any relevant paperwork, information, or details about your situation to hand. If you are living in Scotland or Wales, you will need to speak to the representatives of the following organizations. Shelter Scotland and Shelter Cymru.

To access the Shelter England live chat please click on the image below

How To Contact Shelter Customer Service?

You can contact the Shelter Customer service team via live chat, phone, and email. The phone and live chat can be used for faster turnaround time and have less than 3 minutes of waiting time. Email requests can take between 2 to 3 business days to be handled.

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