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NHS Live Chat

NHS Live Chat is open for the following hours:


24 hours – 7 days a week


Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 10.00pm
Saturday and Sunday, 9.00am to 5.00pm

NHS provides live chat for patients who are experiencing an emergency. The service is available in England and Scotland, each of them has their own portal. The online chat service is a fast and reliable solution for people who need urgent help. The alternative is to call 111 directly.

NHS has been providing different services to facilitate the caretaking of their patients across the United Kingdom. The tool used in Scotland is named “webchat” and it can be accessed via the links mentioned below. Please note that all the information you share through live chat will be kept confidential as part of their terms of service. The average queue wait time is less than 6 minutes and you will be connected to a support team member as soon as possible.

How to do a live chat with NHS:

Through using their live chat you can:

To access the live chat in England, click on the link below

To access the live chat in Scotland, click on the link below

If the NHS online chat is offline, you can use the NHS Email addresses instead.

You can alternatively contact NHS via phone:

NHS England Phone Number: 0300 311 22 33

The information above is gathered by the LiveChatDirectory editorial team. If you have an emergency issue please directly call 111 to get support. If there are any companies in the UK that we have missed, or if we have missed your company, please let us know by contacting us via email. The contact information can be found in our contact us page.

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