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Last Minute Live Chat

Last Minute Live Chat is Open for the Following Hours:

24 hours a day – Monday to Sunday

Every month millions of international customers avail the amazing travel and leisure services of this great hospitality group. The group covers around 40 countries of the World and it has also a widespread presence all over the UK you will find its hotels in the center of major cities and in most of Britain’s larger towns, as well as in the classic seaside locations and vital roadside stops.

Besides its wonderful hospitality services, the company has also a helpful and supportive customer support team for the guidance of its customers and you can catch up with the company’s support team Monday to Sunday and 24 hours a day.


How to Contact Last Minute Live Chat

In order to connect to an agent, you need to first connect to the chatbot and ask the bot to “speak to a human”. The bot will ask you for your order number and email address and will then connect you to the first available agent.

For accessing Last Minute Live Chat click on the following link.

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