Notice: This is not the official website of any police force. Please refrain from sharing any personal or sensitive information in the comments. If you wish to contact a specific police force directly or require assistance, please visit their official website for the appropriate channels.
The Hertfordshire Live Chat Is Open For The Following Hours:
24 hours a day – 7 days a week
The Hertfordshire Police Live Chat is a 24 hour service and can be found by clicking the green icon displayed at the bottom right of the corner of the web page. This free service also works on mobile devices and tablets. It’s a great service to use if you are in a dangerous environment or situation where you may not be able to talk with ease on the telephone.or you are hard of sight or sound. You can also use this service for any other general enquiry about a crime, or a crime you are looking to report.
This web chat service should not be used for emergencies, if you have an emergency, please call 999
To access the free Hertfordshire Police Live Chat, please click the image seen below